Publications & News
Media: IAF Organizing

"Dallas Tenants Counter 'Unbearable Conditions"
Dallas Morning News

"Dallas ISD Punts Tax Break Ask from Manufacturing Company... Community Advocates Appose Deal"
Dallas Morning News

"'We Have Seen People Die in Our Community.' Churches, Hospitals, Team up to Vaccinate Immigrants"
Dallas Morning News

"This North Texas Church Lost Six Members to Suicide. Here's What Families are Doing to Get Help"
Dallas Morning News
"Protegiendo Familias Inmigrantes del abuso Bancario"
(Protecting Immigrant Families from Predatory Lenders)
Revista Católica

"Felices y Documentados"
(Happy and Documented)
Revista Católica

"Bachman-Area Tenants See Improvements After Pushing Dallas Code Compliance for Help"
Dallas Morning News
"Bachman Lake Tenants Need Support"
Dallas Morning News
MEDIA: Neighborhood Organizing
Introducing Walla Walla's New Neighborhood Engagement Program
A strong neighborhood is a place where parents feel comfortable letting their kids play outside, where families can rely on one another, and where you know your neighbor’s name. A strong neighborhood means a healthy community of individuals you trust, and who trust you.
City of Walla Walla
Why and How we Should be Building Resilient Communities During the Pandemic
The city’s new Neighborhood Engagement Program intends to help people lead safer, healthier and happier lives by strengthening local neighborhoods. A strong neighborhood means a healthy community of individuals you trust, and who trust you.
Walla Walla Union Bulletin